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St Stephen's Day
Vatican City

St Stephen’s Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Vatican City

Vatican City, the centre of Roman Catholic faith, clearly celebrates all church holy days, including Saint Stephen’s Day on 26 December each year. This is the last official holiday of the year in the Vatican City public holidays’ list. It is also a holiday in Italy and in many other Catholic countries around the world.

202526 DecFriSt Stephen's Day
202626 DecSatSt Stephen's Day
202726 DecSunSt Stephen's Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The Stephen in question is the one mentioned in Acts Chapters six through eight, who is also known as the first Christian martyr. Interestingly, Saul took part in the stoning of Stephen but later became the great Apostle Paul. Paul never forgot the sterling witness of Stephen as he gave his life for Jesus. Nagged by guilt for his part in the martyrdom, Paul could only say, “But I am what I am by the grace of God”.

Catholic tradition says that a priest named Lucian met the long-deceased Gamaliel who had once been the teacher of Paul. Tradition says Gamaliel showed Lucian where to find the tomb and bones of Stephen near Jerusalem. It is thought that the bones, called relics, of Saint Stephen were found on 26 December, which the reason for the date of the holiday.

Previous Years

202426 DecThuSt Stephen's Day
202326 DecTueSt Stephen's Day