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Christmas 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Greenland

Christmas in Greenland is celebrated with a public holiday every 25 December, as it is in a majority of countries around the world. However, unlike most other parts of the world, Greenlanders also get an official holiday on Christmas Eve, too.

202524 DecWedChristmas Eve
25 DecThuChristmas Day
26 DecFriChristmas Holiday
202624 DecThuChristmas Eve
25 DecFriChristmas Day
26 DecSatChristmas Holiday
202724 DecFriChristmas Eve
25 DecSatChristmas Day
26 DecSunChristmas Holiday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

This Christian festivity commemorates the birth of Jesus, and is part of a 22-28 day season in the Christian calendar known as Advent.

Greenland’s climate and proximity to the North Pole make it a natural fit for the Christmas holidays. Christmas Day is celebrated here with a lot of heart and is a welcome warm spot in the midst of a harshly cold winter season.

Most people head to church on Christmas Eve, many of them dressing up in traditional costumes. Then they head home for an elaborate Christmas meal.

Most Christmas trees are brought over from Denmark as none grow in Greenland’s frozen soil. These are decked up with Christmas candles and various ornaments. Villages may erect a large tree on a hill where everyone can see it. Another popular piece of decor is a lit star set in the window.

On Christmas evening, one local tradition is that the men are supposed to serve food and drinks to the women. Then everyone eats, plays traditional games, and talks. Some families also carry on the tradition of lighting candles in the cemetery on the night before Christmas as a way of remembering and honouring deceased relatives.

Previous Years

202424 DecTueChristmas Eve
25 DecWedChristmas Day
26 DecThuChristmas Holiday
202324 DecSunChristmas Eve
25 DecMonChristmas Day
26 DecTueChristmas Holiday