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Faroe Islands

Easter 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Faroe Islands

Easter is traditionally regarded as the most important of Christian holy days, and Easter in the Faroe Islands is celebrated with holidays on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

202517 AprThuMaundy Thursday
18 AprFriGood Friday
20 AprSunEaster Sunday
21 AprMonEaster Monday
20262 AprThuMaundy Thursday
3 AprFriGood Friday
5 AprSunEaster Sunday
6 AprMonEaster Monday
202725 MarThuMaundy Thursday
26 MarFriGood Friday
28 MarSunEaster Sunday
29 MarMonEaster Monday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The date of Easter changes each year based on the centuries-old calculations that determine the Christian Ecclesiastical Calendar. This means that the date of Easter Sunday can be anytime between 22 March and 25 April.

Faroe Islands, for the most part, shares its holiday calendar with Denmark, of which it is a part. Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday are all official public holidays, and people enjoy the four straight days off.

But traditionally, Palm Sunday begins the celebrations for Holy Week, and some businesses may shut down from Thursday through Monday.

Easter is intensely religious in Faroe Islands. People may even attend church on Easter Monday, which is an uncommon practice elsewhere in the world. Indeed, the Easter Week sees the faithful show up for almost a full week of services. The rest of the time is usually special time spent at home with family.

Previous Years

202428 MarThuMaundy Thursday
29 MarFriGood Friday
31 MarSunEaster Sunday
1 AprMonEaster Monday
20236 AprThuMaundy Thursday
7 AprFriGood Friday
9 AprSunEaster Sunday
10 AprMonEaster Monday