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Labour Day

Labour Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Cyprus

Cyprus observes 1 May as Labour Day and gives its workers a much-needed day off. Many businesses shut down for the day, as do the Cyprus Stock Exchange, banks, and government buildings.

20251 MayThuLabour Day
20261 MayFriLabour Day
20271 MaySatLabour Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Even after joining the Eurozone and EU, Cyprus, along with its sister state of Greece, has had continued economic turmoil. This has led to labour union activity, protests, marches, parades, and other workers’ rights initiatives. The Workers Confederation and the Pancyprian Federation have been at the forefront of labour gatherings and demonstrations in Cyprus.

On Labour Day, there may be concerts or other events in Freedom Square at the south end of Ledra Street in Cyprus’ capital city of Nicosia. There will also be public speeches and messages delivered by public officials and political parties.

Previous Years

20241 MayWedLabour Day
20231 MayMonLabour Day