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Pentecost 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Greenland

Pentecost is a major Christian observance in Greenland that takes place on the fiftieth day of Easter — 49 days after Easter Sunday. It is also known as Whit Sunday, and is celebrated with a Whit Monday public holiday each year.

20259 JunMonWhit Monday
202625 MayMonWhit Monday
202717 MayMonWhit Monday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Pentecost is the final celebration of the seven-week Easter period. According to Christian belief, Pentecost commemorates the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and disciples of Jesus, giving them the ability to speak in different languages to share the good news about Jesus.

The name “Whit” Sunday and Monday comes from the white clothes traditionally worn by those being baptised on this popular day for baptisms.

Whit Monday is considered the third most important Christian holiday after Christmas and Easter. It is common for open-air or other special services to be held by local churches in Greenload, many of which are Lutheran. The hymn “In All Its Splendour Now the Sun’s Rays” is typically sung, and the arrival of summer is celebrated along with the coming of the Holy Spirit some 2,000 years ago.

Many get up to watch the sunrise on Pentecost morning, go out on picnics and family outings, or attend local fairs or other organised events. Perhaps, due to the cold climate in Greenland, Pentecost is a very popular holiday here since it falls right around the time that the weather is finally getting warmer.

Previous Years

202420 MayMonWhit Monday
202329 MayMonWhit Monday